Sunday, December 27, 2015

My 2015!!

"Describe 2015 in one word," she said.

I contemplated for a while as others threw out the obvious words.  I'm “blessed” every morning I wake up, so I didn't want to use that. Every day is a day I've never seen before, so, "interesting" or "different" weren't words I wanted to use either.  I needed a good one because it's been that kind of year! So I went with MIND-ALTERING.

Some may say it's two words, but I looked it up! It is one word. And one word that fits my year perfectly. Now where do I even begin....

In December of last year, I began my journey of blogging. I was relaunched into my love for writing, a passion I'd thought had long passed away, but God saw differently. I began to write as I was recently licensed as a minister and my dating life had turned quite interesting to say the least. Fast forward to now, I am 3 days away from my one year anniversary of blogging and launching my very own website, and preparing to write my first book! MIND-ALTERING!

I could've never fathomed in my mind to expose myself and my thoughts for others to interject their opinions through my writing, I can be quite sensitive for those that don't know! I would have never thought to turn my writing into ministry and encourage others through my transparency. And I absolutely would have never thought I could start my own website and write a book! These were things I watched other people do and admired from a distance. Something this year said, "Just do it!" I feel more confident in my writing and my words and desire to continue using them for the glory of God. MIND-ALTERING!

Around February of this year, I began dating a guy exclusively. I was finally settling in being open to a new relationship, and yes I said it, I thought he may be the one, AGAIN, but things went south fast, faster than any other relationship I'd been in. It was during that time that I realized how out of control my emotions really were. I thought I'd "done my work" in communicating better and controlling my emotions, but I was sadly mistaken. I needed help, extra help, outside of prayer and fasting, and talking to my friends. I needed professional help. So I decided to go see a professional counselor, MIND-ALTERING!

I always thought simply praying, fasting, and reading self-help books were all I really needed to get through and be better. I can honestly and say that I fell victim to the taboo idea that "shrinks" were for the "crazy" people and as the church folks would say, "All I need is the great counselor King Jesus!"

But when I tell you, counseling was the best thing that ever happened to me! I felt so liberated. I felt so free, and I was proud of myself! I made a decision to take a bigger step to be a better person and become the healthier Kristin I knew I could be. I was telling EVERYBODY about my counselor and suggesting counseling to anyone who would listen. I had her number on speed dial! And that reminds me, I need to ask her about a referral fee!! LOL

And then it got real. In March of this year, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, cancer that progresses very rapidly and has a high mortality rate. But God! My dad was diagnosed early and his surgery was successful. He underwent chemotherapy and radiation and experienced mild complications throughout the process, but God! He is currently cancer-free and we bless God everyday he wakes up! MIND-ALTERING!

Through this experience, my faith was challenged, and my mind was stretched. Is there anything too hard for God? I can say without a shadow of a doubt, NO! I witnessed the vows of “through sickness and health” played out in front of my eyes through the commitment and love my mother showed my father. I gained a deeper understanding of marriage and commitment. I realized the time I took for granted with my parents and the increased time in which I needed to spend with them. I realized the true meaning of family and the blessing they truly are.

And what can I say about my dating life. I’m still single, but grateful! I was sharing with my parents last night that I’ve actually gained a new perspective on men. I’ve done my fair share of dating and I’m learning to take in account the male perspective as crazy as that sounds! LOL. I understand them a little better and I appreciate them just a little bit more. I'm grateful for every date and every experience. I'm still growing minute by minute.

I’m content! I’m happy! I’m satisfied!

Thank you for going on this journey with me!!! I pray you’ll continue following me as I expect 2016 to be another MIND-ALTERING year! Husband…..maybe….stay tuned!!!

Be sure to take a sneak peek at my brand new website at , fully launching December 30th! Sign-up for my subscriber list so that you may get all the latest blog and updates!

2016 Here we come!!!

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